Medicare and Opioid use disorder treatment services

Medicare provides coverage for opioid addiction recovery services in approved opioid recovery centers. These provisions encompass medications such as methadone, buprenorphine, naltrexone, and naloxone, along with support through counseling, substance use monitoring, both individual and collective therapy sessions, initial evaluations, and regular progress reviews.

Medicare offers financial support for both face-to-face and, under specific conditions, remote (utilizing tools like telephones or computers) counseling, therapeutic treatments, and periodic progress evaluations. Services rendered via opioid recovery program mobile units are likewise covered under Medicare.
Physicians and alternative health practitioners are reimbursed by Medicare for services delivered in an office setting to assist with opioid addiction, including administration, care coordination, psychotherapeutic interventions, and support sessions.

With Original Medicare, you are exempt from any co-payments for these offerings provided you obtain them from a Medicare-approved opioid recovery program in good standing. Nonetheless, the Part B deductible remains in effect. Consult with your physician or health care practitioner for guidance on accessing these services. You may also explore for assistance in locating a nearby facility.