Medicare and Diabetes self-management training

Medicare provides coverage for outpatient diabetes self-care education, which aims to empower you to effectively handle and control your diabetes. This educational course can encompass advice on nutritious eating habits, physical activity, tracking blood glucose levels, adhering to medication schedules, and minimizing health hazards. Eligibility requires a diabetes diagnosis and a formal referral from your physician or another health care professional. Additionally, certain individuals might qualify for medical nutrition therapy services. You are responsible for 20% of the amount approved by Medicare, and the Part B deductible is applicable.

Medicare offers coverage for devices that monitor blood glucose levels, along with requisite supplies such as testing strips, sharp lancets, devices to hold lancets, and control liquids. It also includes coverage for infusion sets, tubes, and insulin for those utilizing insulin pumps, as well as sensors for individuals using continuous glucose monitoring systems. Furthermore, Medicare provides for one pair of custom-molded or extra-depth footwear and insoles annually for persons with particular diabetes-induced foot conditions. Assuming your provider agrees to the assignment, you will be accountable for 20% of the amount sanctioned by Medicare. The deductible for Part B is also in effect.

Medicare prescription drug plans (Part D) may offer coverage for insulin, along with specific medical supplies for insulin injection such as needles, disposable infusion devices, and some oral diabetes medications. For further details, you should consult your specific plan.

Starting from the year 2023, the expense for a one-month insulin supply is restricted to $35.