Who’s eligible for the Medicare hospice benefit

If you’re covered by Medicare Part A (Hospital Insurance) and fulfill all the following criteria, you are eligible to receive Hospice care:

– Both your hospice physician and your primary care doctor (should you have one) affirm that you have a life-limiting illness with a prognosis of living 6 months or fewer.

– You elect to receive palliative care for relief and comfort over treatments aimed at curing your disease.

– You execute a written agreement opting for hospice services rather than other Medicare-covered interventions for your end-stage illness and any related health issues. When you opt for hospice care, it’s your prerogative to revert to seeking active treatments for your life-limiting condition.

Note: The determination that you are terminally ill with a life expectancy of 6 months or less can only be confirmed by your hospice care provider and your primary care physician, if you have one.