Medicare Partial Part B-ID Benefit for Immunosuppressive Drugs

You may become eligible for Medicare if you are diagnosed with end-stage renal disease (ESRD), which requires you to undergo dialysis or receive a kidney transplant to continue living. Until a recent change, this coverage ceased 36 months following a successful kidney transplant. Once your kidney function was restored, Medicare did not acknowledge you as having a critical illness.

Starting in 2023, Medicare is set to introduce a novel Part B benefit, termed Part B-ID, for individuals who have received a kidney transplant but do not meet the criteria for full Medicare eligibility.

Medicare tailored for individuals with end-stage renal disease (Medicare ESRD) requires a somewhat distinct qualification procedure. Simply having ESRD and being an American citizen is insufficient. Additionally, a spouse, parent/guardian, or offspring must be eligible for Social Security Insurance (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), or benefits from the Railroad Retirement Board (RRB).